5 on the Line
July, 2001
Mark Wahlberg's terrific performance in Boogie Nights wiped out any
doubts Hollywood might have had about whether or not the former rapper
could act. Deservedly, the guy hasn't stopped working since. His working-class
charm, accessibility and undeniable charisma have played well in films ranging
from the Hong Kong-flavored action comedy The Big Hit to the bold, flashy Persian
Gulf War adventure Three Kings to the dark, intense little drama The Yards to the
blockbuster The Perfect Storm. But despite all those excellent performances, Wahlberg
has never had the starring role that carried a big hit. This summer's mammoth Planet
of the Apes, remade and reimagined by director Tim Burton, will be Wahlberg's first
effort to front a big-budget, mainstream studio picture. Playing the equivalent
of Charleston Heston's role in the original 60s film-the astronaut who crash-lands
on a planet populated by intelligent, organized and often belligerent simians.
Wahlberg will spend a lot of screen time doing cool, heroic things while
displaying his famously ripped body. Audiences should flock to see the studly,
charming actor brave a strange new species portrayed by such actors as Helena
Bonham Carter and Michael Clarke Duncan in Rick Baker-designed ape gear. But
the most critical part of Wahlberg's assignment is to stamp his unique personality
on what could otherwise be a mere orgy of great special effects, action sequences
and production design. If the story works and Wahlberg gives it a personal shape,
Planet of the Apes will go through the roof and Wahlberg will finally emerge as
an A-level star. If not, it could be a long time before anybody asks the gifted
ex-rapper to play the lead in a megabudget movie again.