How can I contact Mark?
Mark Wahlberg
c/o Endeavor Talent Agency
9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 248-2000
Can you give me Mark's personal e-mail address?
Sorry, I don't have that information and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you out of respect for his privacy.
Does Mark have an official web site?
Yes, www.markwahlberg.com, www.markwahlberg.org or www.markymark.com
Who runs this site and why?
My name's Josephine and I am the webmistress of this site.
I've been a huge fan of Mark for 4 years and I decided to design a site dedicated
to the talented actor/singer. Mark Wahlberg Fan.com
was started in January of 2000.
Why is this site never updated?
As you already know, there is only one person managing this site. I try to
update as frequently as I can (3 times a week).I also have another site to
maintain. So if there hasn't been a lot of updates I'm probably working on the
other site at the sametime.
What is Mark doing now?
see news
I still have more questions.
e-mail mwf@liveblaze.com